Step By Step Guide On Aircon Installation

It's easy to get the aircon installed

aircon installation

When it comes to installing your aircon, the best thing you can do is follow the instructions. It's easy and you can do it yourself. Aircon installation doesn't have to be difficult—you just need to follow the steps in this guidebook. In fact, installing an airconditioner yourself is not only easy but also inexpensive and a great investment too!

All you need to do is follow these steps

The first step is to choose the location of your air conditioner. Before installing it, you must ensure that the area where you are going to place it can accommodate its size and weight. Make sure that there are no obstructions around your prospective location, such as walls or furniture. As a rule of thumb, keep in mind that the ideal height for an indoor AC unit is between 3 and 6 feet from the ground while outdoor units should be placed at least 10 feet off of any surface so they won't get damaged by snow or rainwater build-up.

Once you've found the right spot for your new appliance, prepare the area by removing any debris and sweeping up dust before drilling holes in wall studs with a hammer drill (or other power tool). You'll need one hole for each section of pipe leading out from inside your home's walls (usually two per connection) along with two more holes facing outward on either side of each section's exit point; these will allow cool air from outside into your home through vents located just below windowsills (or wherever else they're placed).

After drilling into those studs—and making sure not to hit electrical wires!—you'll either screw or glue pipes together using clamps provided by manufacturers before attaching them securely inside using screws drilled into wood beams behind drywall panels near where pipes meet inside walls' exterior face frames. It's also possible use glue instead if preferred; though this method requires more time than screws due to having less holding strength overall when compared against stronger adhesives like epoxy compounds used elsewhere in construction projects involving steel rebar frames (which tend not require additional reinforcement). Finally connect wires connecting terminals on each end via crimps after twisting together corresponding colored wires together using pliers; then run lengths down through conduit tubes until reaching junction boxes located near where air enters/exits houses' outer walls via vents built into eaves troughs overhangs at eaves heights above openings beneath eaves troughs.

Step 1. Choose your location

Before you actually install your air conditioner, it's important to choose a location that is easy to access. A good place to start is an area within your home that gets sun most of the day.

You also want an area that's easy to clean and maintain, so it doesn't become too hot or humid during the summer months.

Try not to put your new AC unit in areas where dirt could accumulate easily or around appliances with moving parts (such as washing machines). This will help keep the unit running efficiently for years!

Step 2. Prepare the area

The second step in this process is to prepare the area where you will be installing your air conditioner. This means making sure that it's clean, dry and free of debris. You should also make sure that there are no water leaks or other issues that could affect how your system runs. Here are some tips on how to ensure this:

  • Make sure the area is level by checking for any dips in the ground; if there are any dips, fill them in with sand or gravel until they're even with each other (you can use a spirit level).

  • Remove any leaves or sticks from around the installation site so they don't fall into any vents during installation or later on down the line when dust gets caught up inside of them—this could cause damage over time if not addressed immediately!

  • Check underneath bushes near electrical outlets because sometimes birds build nests there; if so try removing these nests before beginning work on installation day since they may interfere with power lines while working around them later on down road if left unchecked earlier today instead 

Step 3. Drill the hole

If you have not done so already, you'll need to drill the hole. This is the step where all of your work comes together:

  • You will need a drill with a bit that is the correct size for your air conditioner's tube.

  • You should use a drill that matches the size of your air conditioner's tube and has enough power to make it through the wall safely (i.e., not one of those little battery-powered ones).

  • Set up some kind of guard around where you are drilling so nothing gets in or out as you do this important task!

  • Make sure your air conditioner is sitting flat against something sturdy like another piece of furniture before starting this process; otherwise, it could fall over when drilling begins!

aircon installation singapore

Step 4. Install the pipe

  • It’s time to connect the aircon to your house’s electrical outlet and water tank. To do this, you will need to install a pipe that connects them all together.

  • First, place the air conditioner on its side with its back facing you and remove one of the screws holding down the panel on top of it (you can save these screws for later use). After removing this screw, pull up on that panel until it pops off completely so that you can access everything inside of your air conditioner unit—this step will vary depending on which brand or model of AC unit you have purchased in-store today!

  • Once opened up all the way over here at our own example of an Air Conditioner Installation Guide for Beginners like us today, please take note how there are two wires coming out from both sides now: one labeled “electricity source” and another labeled “water supply”; these should match up perfectly with what we connected earlier during Step #2 above when we were installing those components into our home installation project checklist back then before we even started building anything yet! So now let's get started connecting them together.

Step 5. Connect the pipe

In this step, you will connect the pipe.

  • Connect the pipe to the aircon.
  • Connect the pipe to the duct.
  • Connect the pipe to the power supply.
  • Connect the pipe to the drain (if there is one). 
  • Connect water supply for humidifier or dehumidifier (if needed).

Step 6. Connect the wires Connect the wires to the compressor

Connect the power wire from a power outlet or extension cord to one end of your compressor. Then, connect a green wire to each terminal screw on your compressor and tighten them with pliers. This completes your wiring from the AC unit and into an electrical outlet, allowing you to use it whenever needed!

So now you know how to install an aircon!

You now know how to aircon installation. This is the kind of information that can help you save money by doing it yourself and also gives you peace of mind knowing that the job has been done right.

So if your room needs cooling, do yourself a favor and go ahead and buy one today!


In this guide, we’ve shown you the steps to aircon installation in your home or office. If you follow these steps in order, everything should go smoothly. If you have any questions during the installation process, don't hesitate to leave us a comment below so that we can help!

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